Carlin Lake Celebrates The Barbie Movie
Bill Draves shares this colorful fall sunset, from his visit this last weekend.
Along the way, he passes along some Barbie trivia for us. But----he did not say whether he had seen the movie or not. I wonder if he would have liked it, with the profusion of pink!
First, in nature versus nurture, pink is definitely nurture. Up until the 1940s both boys and girls wore both blue and pink clothes. If anything, pink was more of a boy color. In the 1940s a couple of department stores began recommending pink for girls, for no apparent reason other than to sell clothes with the new look.
The turning point came in 1953, when Mamie Eisenhower wore a pink gown to her husband’s Inaugural Ball. From then on, it was all pink.
Second, dolls, however, are all nature, the scientists say. Infant girls at birth are attracted to dolls, while infant boys at birth are attracted to mobiles overhead. Both inherent traits relate to survival, and preparation for life. So enjoy pink while it’s still a girls’ color!