The birds seem as happy to have spring here as we are.
The loons are calling and sound glad to be back home. And, the Swifts have seen a pair of merganzers in their bay. Zach at the Discovery Center tells us it is fairly rare to see that male merganzer, as he sticks around for the start of the nesting process and then leaves the female on the nest. I hope we see the female swimming on the lake again with her chicks, as we did last summer.
Also yesterday, we saw three immature eagles tumbling together in the sky, low enough that it was fun to watch, before they soared away.
Every time I go for a walk, I either see or hear pileated woodpeckers along the roads. The insects must be moving as the days warm up, and the woodpeckers are making the most of it.
(I'm not a birdwatcher, so if anyone else spots interesting birds, please let us know.)