This Saturday, the 18th, the CLA Board will be meeting at the Skyview restaurant at 9:00 for their fall meeting. If you will be able to attend, please let Chuck Hayes know, so he can make reservations for seating for breakfast. Plan to arrive before 9:00 am, so you will have time to order before the meeting begins.
And, that evening, the "non-fish-boil" potluck will begin at 4:00 at Bill and Jeanne Huemann's. Jeanne will prepare the barbecue, so all you need to bring is an appetizer, salad, or dessert to share, and your own beverages. Rain or shine, join us on the Huemann's shoreline for a fun wrap-up to summer.
Wow Carm, you certainly arose early today!!
Posted by: Linda | September 17, 2010 at 08:27 AM