No sleigh bells ringing, at least when I've been listening, and no walking in this Winter Wonderland, because it's been just too darn cold! Snow is glistening in the lanes, though, as these cold temps are keeping the snow sticking tight to the branches of the pines, spruces, and firs.
I took these photos just steps from our house; no adventuring out into the woods!
Do you remember that last year, Danny LaPean supplied all the weather links just to your right? If you haven't used these links for awhile, maybe you will want to again this winter.
I just clicked on the link to "Monthly weather statistics" to verify the temps I've remembered from this last week. It appears that today is the 8th day in a row when overnight temps have been well below zero, and daytime temps have stayed in the single digits. It feels and looks a lot like weather we expect in January.
This week, Danny also reported that the lake's surface was certainly frozen solid, as deer have been making "tracks" across the lake as they journey from one friendly neighborhood feeding spot to another. Thanks to all our neighbors who keep the deer safe during these wintery days.