Remember that the April book club/breakfast club will be on the second Tuesday, April 8th, instead of the first Tuesday, as usual.
(If you are in residence on the first Tuesday, April 1st, plan to go vote in the primary election for our neighbor Chuck Hayes for his second term on the Vilas County Board. If you aren't registered in PI township, go to town anyway, to shop at the Lioness' delicious bakesale.)
Men will meet at usual at the Skyview; the book club women will meet in PI at the Last Wilderness Cafe at our usual 9:00 am start time.
Since there won't be a leader for this discussion, you may want to look at the useful link on LitLovers, for some reviews and some discussion questions about Brutal Telling by Louise Penny. This is a terrific mystery, part of a terrific series; I think both "book clubs," men and women, would enjoy this book.