Bill Draves gives two good reasons for Carlin Lake Association folks to plant milkweed on our property, either here and/or back home:
1.There’s a campaign centered here in the Midwest to plant 1 billion milkweed plants and save the Monarch butterfly;
2.You get to see beautiful Monarch butterflies in your backyard.
Photo: Monarch butterfly on milkweed Julie planted next to Draves’ cabin.
You probably know that monarch larvae feed exclusively on milkweed, as in the large patch that grows kitty-corner across the road from Stockers. I used to see flocks of monarchs there when I walked by, and now this summer, have seen only one totally. It's sad, certainly, and a reason to do whatever we can to create a healthy environment for the butterflies.
I assume that when the seed pods open in the fall, we could transport those seeds back to our yards. Can a more knowledgable gardener tell us if that would likely work?