On Sunday, August 20th, a dozen Carlin neighbors gathered on the "boat landing lawn" for the second annual Carlin game day event. Although lots of games had been prepared for us, we ended up playing "not-musical-chairs." In other words, sitting and talking to each other. Everyone seemed content and relaxed on this summery afternoon.
Ruchs, Strauses, and John Martin had prepared prizes for the winners of the games. So, we played the game where, in turn, one can choose a new prize or steal a prize from a neighbor.
In the photo, you see everyone happily displaying their prizes. On the left, Pam Van Brocklin was the final "chooser." So, no one could steal her much-coveted "Presque Isle" banner, donated by John Martin. (Click to enlarge.)
It was a fun afternoon, and plans are in the works for next summer.
Don't forget that the final summer activity is coming up on Sunday, September 2nd, with the annual pontoon float at 2:00 pm that day. Plan to get your pontoon out on the water, or to wait for your pontooning neighbors to pick you up on your pier that afternoon. It's always fun!