Our hummingbird feeder is still hanging outdoors, but I haven't seen a visitor in the last two days. I remember John Bates writing a couple of years ago that we should keep feeders out for just a little longer, for the "stragglers" that may still be around.
Bill Draves has watched closely and says their hummers left almost two weeks ago. He describes behaviors showing that the same hummingbirds come back to their feeders every summer, and that they even buzz up to say goodbye before they leave.
What a summer, huh? Hummingbirds, eagles, and a real joy for all of us---watching the loon chick successfully grow up. Now, we will wait for reports from any of you who may see the chick learning to fly.
Bill sends a link to an interesting site with information about fall bird migrations in Wisconsin.
It tells the technology that shows that 2.6 million birds a night are leaving Wisconsin for sites further south. That's certainly a number that humans would not be willing or able to count!